A Lazy Person’s Guide to Keeping House Plants
Keeping house plants are believed to be some of the most aesthetic and therapeutic aspects of a households. Many people do not realize the value of decorating their homes with flowers or any other kind of plants. But it is not like most people refrain from keeping them. Most of us with our busy schedules and daily tantrums that life throws us are just too lazy to maintain such beauties of nature. Often we find plants getting damaged or the petals drying out due to sheer ignorance. Human beings with our sensitive hearts try to avoid exactly this and hence, end up with no house plants and only the desire to keep them.
That is why once in a while when we receive beautiful plants or bouquets as gifts, we cannot help but admiringly smile and feel extremely happy about it. I mean let us just admit it. Who doesn’t like to receive flowers as gifts even though we know it might die after a few days?
Keeping in mind such lazy but kind-hearted fellows, we take you through a quick guide of a few plants and ideas of making your home ‘flower-y’:
Succulents or fake succulents, maybe?
Aloe Vera plants, cacti and other such succulents are best to be kept at those homes where very little care can be taken for them. They do not need much watering and is just needed to be kept under appropriate sunlight and you can let the sun do the rest of the work for you. Keep them in tiny colorful pots and they will give you happy, positive vibes. And in case, you still do not manage to keep the cactus alive, there are obviously cute fakes which were created just for lazy bums like you all!
Artificial Flowers look Very Much Real, right?
We would not quite suggest artificial flowers to be regularly kept in households since they might be spreading negativity around the house due to their synthetic nature. But certain types and ways of keeping them (and maybe not too regularly) can be a good way of incorporating pretty blooms in your house, without having to spare much time on them. Buying scented artificial flowers is one of the nicer ones which can spread a good aura around the house. Choosing silk over paper flowers is always a better choice. But what better than asking your kids to take an art and craft day to make to perfect artificial flower bouquet for the house. You might even get a fancy vase out of them!
Dried Leaves and Petals have a Unique Charm of their own
You must have found yourself walking down flower-y paths during spring season mostly covered by colorful flower petals. Even during autumns roads are filled with leaves. Instead of sweeping them out or wasting them under people’s feet, collect a few pieces, bring them back home and make a flower bowl to be the center piece of your dining table or living hall. It is a very unique idea and gives your house and exquisite look.
Urn of Color
Have you ever seen those big wide urns with water and a certain kind of flower petals floating on them? They are mostly dried flowers. But we give you an alternative for those dried flowers. Instead try floating scented candles in the shape of flowers in different colors and see how it lights up your house.
Accessorizing it!
You may have beautiful ornaments like bracelets or corsages or hair bands made with flowers lying somewhere around your house. Why not use them to decorate your house and add some color to it?
A little more expensive ways to make your home “flower-filled”:
Get a Gardener!
The most foolproof way of dealing with your ‘expertise’ in flowers is to get a gardener. If you are really willing to push it to that edge where you want a proper garden with beautiful blooms, then this is the right way to go!
Flower Bouquets Rock!
Buy one flower bouquet daily or on intervals of 2-3 days every time you get back from your office and put them in a cute glass vase. It will accentuate the beauty and warmth of your lovely home, not so much well to your pockets through.
So, if you are not the expert gardener yourself, then these ideas are sure to make you happy and your home more vibrant!
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