Father's Day Facts- Why do we celebrate Father's Day?

According to Wikipedia: "Father's Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. Father's Day was inaugurated in the early 20th century to complement Mother's Day in celebrating fathers and male parenting."
In our last blog, we talked about How to celebrate Father's Day when you are staying away from home
Father's Day is a day which celebrates fatherhood. Father's Day is celebrated on different dates in different countries. But in majority of the countries, including the US and India, its celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of June month. So, in 2016, Father's Day will be celebrated on 19th of June.
- The word "Dad" is as old as the sixteenth century!

- Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd introduced the concept of Father's Day.

- Father's Day is the fourth biggest day for sending greetings cards!

- Father's Day is said to be originated from America.

- First celebration for Father's Day happened on 19th June, 1910.

- Official flower for the fathers day is Roses. Red Rose- Living father, white rose- deceased father.

- A study showed that women tends to spend more than men for their Dad on the Father's Day.

- Most common Father's Day Gifts are Flowers and a necktie!