How to celebrate Father's Day 2016 when you are staying away from home

Most of us are living very far away from our homes due to jobs, onsite position, business meetings, etc. So its getting very difficult to remain connected connected to ones family, even if we are living in such a technologically advance age. As the time goes by, one gets easily drawn away from his/her family. There are lot of reasons for such kind of behavior, many of which may be attributed to work stress, health issues, frequent travel, business issues, etc.
But still, it is said that man is a social animal. Its very important for us to remain connected to our roots, our family. So, here are going to discuss how to celebrate Father's Day 2016 with your loved DAD, when you are staying very far away from him!
Here we go!!
1. Call him for a long duration, as he must be eagerly waiting for your call
2. Make a video call to him
3. Send him some Father's Day gifts which he might actually like
4. Plan a family outing with him!
5. Plan some retirement-based gifts for him
6. Send him some gift cards/coupons for Massage/Spa
7. Last but not the least, do not forget to wish him!